Sources, Illustration Credits, Links and Vocabulary
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Illustration Credits
- Portrait statue of Kertarajasa Jayawardhana.
- Hulstaart, Co. Pictures of Soya di Atas, 1996.
- Keppy, Herman. Picture of Matheis Keppy.
- Portraits of Broery Pesulima published at Kompas
site, 1999 and 2000.
- Moluks Historisch Museum. Picture of uncle Bert Passelima
and other Malino students in Delft.
- Pesulima, Wim. Picture of Lokki, 1998.
- Pusaka (Indonesian Kingdoms Documentation Centre), secretary Donald
P. Tick. Van Bleiswijkstraat 52c, 3135 AM Vlaardingen, 010-460 35
16, E-mail:
Rajas of Ambon.
- Schenkhuysen, Roy. Picture of Rieka Schenkhuysen-Paselima.
- Vreede, M. de. Tempayang, the sacred urn of Soya.
- Documentation
and Information Centre for Family History and Heraldry (CBG) in
The Hague.
- Dutch
East-Indies Family Archive (SIFA) in The Hague.
- Dutch
Indies Genealogical Association.
- Family
History Center in Apeldoorn.
- Nationaal
Archief in The Hague.
- De
Aankomst: Molukkers naar Nederland, about the journey of 12.500
Moluccans to the Netherlands. With database.
- Landelijk
Steunpunt Educatie Molukkers in Utrecht.
- Moluks
Historisch Museum in Utrecht.
- Royal Tropical
Institute (KIT) in Amsterdam.
portal of Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan (Borneo), with historical
and royal information (see also news about Donald Tick here).
- Indische stambomen op internet.
- A.D.N.F.E.
- Association de Défense de la Noblesse Française et Etrangère.
Organization that wants to support the Sultans, the Kings, the Rajas,
the members of Royal Family of Indonesia by defending the culture of
Indonesia and royal traditions.
Genealogy sites
- Van
den Broeke Family Tree.
- The
Rosielle site. The online History and Family Tree of the Rosielle
family that is in one point connected to the Pesulima Family.
- The
Tahalele site. Neat designed and informative site for Tahalele family
members all over the world.
Maluku sites
- Djangan
Lupa Maluku (DLM), about the Moluccas, the islands, it's people
and culture.
Lots of links to almost all subjects concerning Maluku.
- Maluku
Web Circle. Good list of links to sites about villages and families
in Maluku.
Pesulima |
Pesulima site. Biography, music (streaming audio), discography,
gallery and lyrics of the singer Broery Pesulima (Marantika).
- The
Indonesian Music Shop. Great collection of albums with Broery Pesulima
Isra Pesulima studied art and interior design. Her work is very colorful
and surprising. Enjoy her art at this tastefully made website.
Site with the vivid paintings made by the artist William Eman.
Everything you always wanted to know about the Dutch East-Indies.
A good place to start your search about all kind of facts on Indonesia.
- Almanach
de Bruxelles. Information about all present and former Sovereign
Families out of Europe, including those of Soya, Nusaniwe and Kilang.
- Savu Islands: explore an untouched world. The opportunity to learn about the people, history and geography of Savu, Rai Jua and Dana, situated between Sumba and Rote, East Indonesia.
Translation of Ambonese and Indonesian words.
batu pemali |
sacred rock |
cuci negeri |
clean up of the village |
dati |
someone doing forced labour or family that delivers someone doing
forced labour |
kapitan |
captain of a village community in armored actions at land |
kapitan laut |
captain in armored actions at sea |
kora kora |
long small war canoes, suitable for fourty rowers |
orangkaya |
lowest title or position of village leaders |
patih |
medium title or position of village leaders |
perahu |
proa, boat |
raja |
highest title or position of village leaders |
samurele |
meeting place |
soa |
part of a village |
tangsi |
kazerne |
tempayang |
urn |
uli |
federation of villages or families |